Managing Archived Apps

Archiving apps on Console Logs is a helpful way to manage older or no longer relevant apps while keeping your dashboard organised. It allows you to retain access to past projects without cluttering your active listings. Here’s what you need to know about managing archived apps:

What Does It Mean to Archive an App?

  • Retirement of Apps: Archiving an app means removing it from active listings on the marketplace. It’s no longer available for purchase or visible to new potential buyers.
  • Existing Customers Still Have Access: If a customer has already purchased your app before it was archived, they will continue to have access to it. They can view and use the app as before, but no new purchases can be made by other users.
  • Not Permanent: Archiving isn’t the same as permanently deleting an app. You still retain access to all the details, reviews, and sales history for reference or potential reactivation.

When to Archive an App

  • Outdated Content: If your app no longer meets current industry standards or design trends, archiving it helps maintain a high-quality product catalog.
  • No Longer Supported: When you decide to stop supporting updates or providing customer support for a particular app, archiving it can prevent new purchases and reduce customer confusion.
  • Replacing with a New Version: If you’ve released a new version of an app that’s significantly improved, you might choose to archive the older version to keep your offerings streamlined.

How to Archive an App

  • Navigate to the Apps Dashboard.
  • Locate the app you wish to archive from the approved apps table.
  • Click the three-dot menu next to the app's name.
  • Select Archive from the options.

Accessing and Managing Archived Apps

  • You can find all your archived apps under the Archived Apps table in your apps dashboard. This allows you to review any past projects or reference details as needed.
  • If you decide to make an archived app available again, you can edit the app and submit it for re-approval. Once approved, it will return to the Approved Apps table and be visible to potential buyers.
  • Archived apps help you maintain a record of your work, including reviews, ratings, and feedback, which can be useful for future projects or updates.

Best Practices for Archiving Apps

  • Communicate with Customers: If you plan to archive an app that has a user base, it’s a good idea to inform them in advance. Let them know if you’re discontinuing updates or replacing the app with a new version.
  • Review Customer Feedback: Before archiving, take a moment to review any feedback or reviews on the app. This can help you understand why the app might not be performing as expected or provide insights for future projects.
  • Consider Updates Before Archiving: If your app has potential but needs some updates, consider revising and improving it instead of archiving. This way, you can breathe new life into your project rather than retiring it.

Why Archiving is Important

  • By archiving apps that are no longer active, you can maintain a cleaner, more focused dashboard, making it easier to manage your active listings.
  • Keeping outdated or unsupported apps out of the marketplace helps ensure that buyers find current, high-quality projects that meet their needs.
  • Seeing which apps you’ve archived can provide insights into trends in your projects, helping you refine your approach to creating and updating future apps.